
Bobbie De Leon
Mystery, Women's Fiction, Fantasy, Teen & Young Adult, Children's, Poetry, Advice & How To
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Mar 2022
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- Born
3 February
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Author, Singer-Songwriter, Photographer, Speaker
Before chronic Lyme disease entered its most intense stages in my life, I was fully active in music as a singer-songwriter. I’ve traveled all over the nation performing at festivals, prisons, shelters. I released music, I had songs on various radio charts. My heart was always to help hurting people, because I know what it is like to hurt. Music was my way of doing that. Chronic Lyme changed my entire life and I’ve had to re-learn how to make a difference and how to heal. I now use my struggles and how I am continually growing through them to help others. I write fiction, non-fiction, children's picture books, short stories, blogs and journals/workbooks to help others navigate chronic illness and the hard parts of life.